Residental Services





GX provides a variety of Services for your excavation project. No job is too large or too small, and we look forward to visiting with you regarding your goals and expectations. Some of our general services include lot clearing, demolition, site and concrete preparation, red dirt pads, foundation and basement excavation, slab fill, road building, and a variety of special projects. We also have a fleet of dump trucks used for hauling dirt, mulch, screened topsoil, gravel and crushed limestone products.

Lot Clearing: Tree, brush stump and debris removal

Demolition: Proper removal of structure(s) and all debris from your site

Red Dirt Pads, Site & Concrete Preparation: Prepare your site for the first or next phase of your project

Foundation & Basement Excavation:

Slab Fill:

Road Building

Driveway Repair and Maintenance

Whether you are starting from scratch or maintaining an existing gravel driveway or parking lot, Gall excavation has the products, services and expertise to meet your project needs. We provide gravel driveway material, including Class 7 Base (SB-2), Class 8 Base (Small Base), Non-specific Base or coarse lime. See “Limestone Products” for details.

  • Grading, leveling and packing material
  • Cutting in driveways and parking lots
  • Driveway and parking lot expansion

Special Projects
Use George Pond drone footage

Services provided:

Drainage and wastewater management


Dump truck and heavy hauling.
We have Tri-Axle Mack Dump trucks to handle your product delivery or heavy hauling needs.

Delivery of topsoil, red dirt, mulch, fill dirt, creek gravel, and crushed limestone products. All items delivered to your project site
Brush and debris removal

General heavy hauling need






We Are:


1255 North 13th Street
Rogers, Arkansas 72756

Call 479-925-1175

©2024 | Another DesignWorks Creation